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Real Estate 101: Getting Your Home Ready To Show decided to sell your home? This was not a decision that was taken lightly. This is a home you've grown fond of and grown in love with deeply. Countless memories were created, maybe your children took their first steps over your porch, or maybe you successfully make dinner without burning the house down.

Your home may look perfect because of all the memories you see when you enter through the door but the potential new owners have may see it differently. To get the best deal for your home, you may want to lean on a Real Estate or Mortgage Agent. No matter if you are looking to move to a bigger space or downsizing, they will be able to give you the best advice.

How then do you go about to ensure get your home ready to show after listing it?

Tip #1: Pretend You Are the Buyer

If you were walking into your home for the first time, what would you see? How would you want your new home to be? Take note of the negative aspects of your home that a buyer may notice. The hole in the wall that was made when the kids were sliding down the stairs? How about that cracked window when they were playing baseball in the backyard?

A Real Estate Professional will be able to assist you in seeing your home in a potential buyer's eyes to help you leave a good impression; first impressions last a lifetime.

Tip #2: Clean Your Home from Top to Bottom

Nobody likes a dirty home. If you walked into a home to find dirty dishes, dusty countertops, and a dirty toilet, would you be comfortable during your stay? If you do not have time to make sure your place is spotless, it may be a good idea to hire a professional cleaning company.

Your home should be sparkling and inviting. You may need to scrub the walls, floors, windows, and even wipe down your furniture. Moldy walls, cobwebs, or weird smells may not leave the best impression at the viewings. The smell of your home is not something that is top of mind but it may be smart to use good smells like fresh baked cookies to draw in your buyers and make your home seem more inviting.

Tip #3: Repair or Replace

Is there a burner on your stovetop that isn't working? Is there a crack in your sink? Do you have any burnt lightbulbs? Do your AC or heaters work? There are little things that may not seem like a big issue when you are living in your home but may give the impression that you do not properly maintain your property. It can make potential buyers wonder if there is anything hiding they cannot see right away.

It may take some time to do this but this is the attention to detail that can change a 'let's go to the next house' to a 'SOLD!'

Need some funds to help make this happen? You can tap into your home equity to bring your home to the next level! Ask me for more details.

Tip #4: Curb Appeal

What is the point of spending all that time making the inside look pretty if buyers don't even make it that far? The exterior needs to be as pristine as the inside or your potential buyers may not make it out of the driveway. Does your lawn look dried up? Did you mow your lawn? Do you have a lot of weeds? You may want to get those taken care of before inviting any buyers over.

Tip #5: Paint Your Walls

It never hurts to put a fresh coat of paint on your walls to spruce up your place. Is your wallpaper peeling off? Does that white wall not look as white as it did? Throwing on a coat of fresh paint is one of the most cost-effective ways to give your house a new lease on life.


If you're looking to sell your house soon, I hope you paid attention to the tips on getting your home ready. They may help get your home sell quicker or maybe even for more money! Selling a house can be a stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be. With the help of a Real Estate and Mortgage Agent, the process will be smooth, maybe even fun. It will make all the hard work will pay off once you get a higher asking price for your home.